In the world of dog sports, the pug is not as common as other breeds, like the bulldog and the german shepherd. However, that doesn't mean that the pug isn’t a great dog for any training program. It just takes a little more creativity on the part of the owner to make sure that the dog gets the most out of his or her skills. Even though the pug is a smaller dog, it is still a high energy dog that requires a lot of exercise and mental stimulation. It is important to understand that the pug is a highly intelligent and very social dog that loves being part of a pack. The key is to find exercises that will keep your pug both challenged and interested in training. Here are some tips for training your pug effectively and efficiently.

Build Mental Fitness

If your pug has been cooped up indoors for months, building mental fitness is essential. Pugs are highly intelligent and need mental stimulation as much as physical exercise. Make sure to feed your pug a high quality diet with plenty of protein and vitamins. This will help to keep the dog mentally sharp throughout his lifetime.

Build Physical Fitness

Pugs are not one of those breeds that can be kept inside all year long. They need a lot of exercise to stay healthy. You should make sure to walk your dog at least two or three times a day, and if possible, let him run around in short bursts in an open area. Pugs are great for people who live in urban areas, as they can run around in the backyard or in a nearby park without being in danger.

Be Consistent

One of the biggest mistakes owners make when training their dog is to be inconsistent. Some dog owners like to reward their pugs with praise and treats when they do something right, while others ignore their dog when they make a mistake. This inconsistency can cause confusion in your dog, and he or she may not be able to tell what is right and what is wrong. You also need to be consistent when it comes to training. Pugs are smart and can easily learn to associate a certain behavior with a certain consequence. If you are inconsistent with your training methods, you will have a very difficult time getting your pug to do the right thing. Be consistent and your dog will thrive both mentally and physically under your guidance.

Use a Puggy Wobbler

If you have a young, untrained dog that you want to keep off of the furniture, a Puggy Wobbler is a fantastic tool for training. This toy is designed to look like a tennis ball, but it has four legs that make it wobble. This toy can be used in the house, outdoors, and even in the car. It is a great way to teach your dog to stay off furniture. If you have a young pug that you are training, this toy will make the process much easier.

Play Games and Play Games

Pugs love to play games, and they have the ability to learn and retain new tricks much more easily when you incorporate games into your training program. You can easily find games that challenge your pug and help to further his or her education. Pug games can be as simple as training your dog to sit, stand, and lie down in order. Start with simple games and progress to harder challenges as your dog gets older.


The pug is a highly intelligent dog that thrives on a high-energy lifestyle. If you want to keep your pug healthy, happy, and challenged, you must make sure to feed him a high-quality diet and exercise him regularly. While the pug may be a smaller dog, it still requires a lot of effort on the part of its owner to keep it happy and healthy.