Grooming your Pug will keep them looking their best and help prevent unwanted behavior. While the Pug’s coat isn’t particularly long or thick, it is a double coat that mats out and becomes unmanageable over time. This means that proper grooming is necessary to keep your Pug looking clean and fresh. There are many great grooming tools and products available for both large and small dogs. From brushes to combs, scissors to combs, and more - Pug owners need to know what they're buying! Here we’ll cover everything you need to know when it comes to grooming your Pug. Read on!

Brushing your Pug

The Pug's double coat is thick and long, and is usually left untrimmed. The best way to maintain the health of your Pug's coat is to brush it out regularly. Pugs have a tendency to mat their coats, which is when they become overly long and unmanageable. To avoid this, you'll want to brush your dog on a regular basis and not just when he or she looks unkempt. Using a wide-tooth comb, work through the hair on your Pug's neck, back and legs to break up any matting. You should also brush your Pug's face, feet, and tail to help prevent hair growing too long in these areas.

Combing your Pug's hair

A comb can be used to remove loose hair, distribute oils in your Pug's coat and make it shiny, and even get in between the Pug's teeth to help prevent them from getting too long. Choose a wide-tooth comb that will help you get in between your Pug's teeth and under the hair on their back, legs, and neck. If you've ever tried to comb a Pug with a thin-tooth comb, you know how frustrating it can be. It's best to use a wide-tooth comb if you want to get the job done properly.

Trimming your Pug's hair

As your Pug ages, you may find that their hair starts to grow longer and become unruly. This is when you may want to consider trimming your Pug's hair. There are many options when it comes to trimming your Pug's hair, and some may require professional help. If you're not sure where to start with your Pug's hair, ask your groomer which tool will work best for your particular breed and hair type. Some common tools used for trimming are scissors, shears, and snip-n-trim.

Grooming your Pug's teeth

Brushing your Pug's teeth and cleaning them daily will help prevent plaque build-up and bad breath. Using a special toothbrush for dogs, or a soft-bristle toothbrush, will help keep your Pug's teeth clean. You may want to consider investing in a toothbrush that has a built-in toothpaste dispenser. This way, you'll always have a fresh supply of toothpaste on hand.


Grooming your Pug will help them stay clean and healthy and will make them look their best. Your Pug's coat will mat and become unmanageable over time, so regular brushing and grooming are necessary to prevent that from happening. A brush, comb, and scissors are all useful to keep your Pug's coat in good condition.Grooming your Pug is a must for keeping them clean and healthy. Be sure to brush their coat regularly and clean their teeth to avoid bad breath and build-up of plaque on their teeth.