Pugs are naturally energetic and playful creatures. They are bred to be active and have lots of energy. Pugs need plenty of exercise each day to stay happy and healthy. Whether you choose to exercise your pug outside or inside your home, you can expect a wide range of rewards from this activity. Exercise has many proven benefits for your pug including strengthening the bond between you and your pet, reducing joint pain and improving quality of life in general. There are many types of exercise that can keep your pug happy and healthy, but each one has its own unique benefits and drawbacks. No matter what type of exercise you choose, make sure to adjust it so that it is appropriate for your pug’s size, age and strength level. Here is an overview of different types of exercise you can do with your pug to help get you started on the right track with your pet’s exercise routine.


This is a great way to get your pug a little exercise while also letting them blow off some of that puggy energy. Pugs usually love to play catch and fetch, but you can also make it more challenging by tossing a tennis ball or a Frisbee. They can also get into some mischief when you let them go exploring in their toy box and under the bed.Pug playtime can be a great way to bond with your dog as they get to express some of their natural instincts. Playing with your pug can help boost their confidence, social skills and self-esteem. It also helps to calm them down after a stressful day at work. You should always be mindful of the hazards of unsupervised play and make sure to supervise your pug when they are playing with other dogs.


Pugs are naturally aquatic creatures, and they love to swim. You can keep your pug in a pool at a local doggy daycare or fill up your own backyard pool to give it some exercise. Make sure to keep an eye on your pug while they are in the water, though, and never let them swim alone.You can also purchase an indoor swimming pool for your pug that is made just for them. These are great for those who don’t have a backyard or a lot of space. Make sure to purchase an indoor swimming pool with a lid so that it can’t get too deep. Pugs can get trapped in deep water, and they aren’t able to swim out on their own.

Short walks

If you have a fenced in yard, this is the easiest way to get your pug some exercise. You can let your pug out of the house for short walks during the day, and they will come back happy and tired.Short walks are good for all ages of pups, but they should be kept short at first to avoid excessive exercise. Pugs are naturally high energy dogs, but too much exercise can cause them to get overheated. Short walks are a good way to let them get their daily exercise in without overdoing it.

Long walks

If you live in an area where there are lots of open spaces, long walks are a great way to get your pug some exercise. You can let them go out for a long walk once or twice a week, and they will get lots of exercise and socialization out of it.Long walks are not advised for young pups. They need to be able to run around and get all their energy out, and long walks can cause them to overheat easily. This type of exercise is best for older pugs who are less active.

Outdoor activities

If you have a fenced in backyard, you can let your pug out there for short walks. You can also let them out there to explore and sniff around for a while before coming back in.If you don’t have a fenced in backyard, you can still let your pug go outside for short walks. You can keep them on a leash at first and let them explore the neighborhood as they please.Keep in mind that you should always supervise your pug when they are outside. They can get lost easily, and they are at risk for being snatched by a wild animal, like a coyote or a fox.


Pugs are naturally energetic and playful creatures. They are bred to be active and have lots of energy. Pugs need plenty of exercise each day to stay happy and healthy. Whether you choose to exercise your pug outside or inside your home, you can expect a wide range of rewards from this activity. Exercise has many proven benefits for your pug including strengthening the bond between you and your pet, reducing joint pain and improving quality of life in general. There are many types of exercise that can keep your pug happy and healthy, but each one has its own unique benefits and drawbacks. No matter what type of exercise you choose, make sure to adjust it so that it is appropriate for your pug’s size, age and strength level.