Pugs are one of the most petite of the domesticated canines, standing only about 12-16 inches tall at the shoulders. This small size makes them very appealing to dog owners who often describe them as cuddly, affectionate, and eager to please. However, this also means that pugs are prone to developing certain undesirable behavior patterns that can be challenging for owners to manage.Pug owners often describe their pets as very intelligent and eager to learn new things, but also as stubborn and stubbornly uninterested in what’s right for them. The stubbornness of these little personalities can also be displayed in their behavior. Pugs are not generally considered high-energy or hyperactive dogs by breed standards, but they often develop a tendency towards lethargy and general lack of motivation. This is usually combined with a high level of anxiety often caused by excessive noise and other stimuli that may cause stress.

Lazy and Disinterested in Play

Laziness is a common behavior that owners report in pugs. Many dogs like to spend their leisure time sleeping or lounging, but pugs tend to prefer to sit around and do very little. This can be especially troubling when you have multiple pugs - if one of them is the only one showing any interest in play, the others will often ignore it completely and just sit there watching their friend frolic around. Pugs also frequently develop an aversion to playtime. If you’re trying to encourage your puppy or dog to play, you may find that they just aren’t interested.This is often a sign that there is something seriously wrong with your pug - often the puppy has been spooked by something and developed a phobia that causes them to become afraid of playing. This can be extremely difficult to treat, but it is something that owners should be aware of so that they can address the issue as soon as possible.

Loud Barking

Pugs are very vocal creatures that frequently make lots of noise when they are excited or happy. This can be especially problematic if you live in an apartment building or near other people who might be bothered by the noise. Pugs are fairly easy to housetrain, but they are usually not very discreet about their activities. Many pugs will bark and howl when they are outside, which can be especially problematic when you have neighbors who have small children.Some owners report that their pugs will actually start barking when they aren’t even near the window, which can be extremely annoying and even cause property damage. It can be difficult to correct the issue without the help of a professional dog trainer, but it is important to try to manage your pug’s environment to minimize the noise. This could include keeping the windows closed during certain seasons or when the pug is sleeping.

Strangers-Only Attention

Pugs are very social creatures and enjoy being around other dogs, but they can be especially wary of strangers. This is especially true for puppies, who may become very stressed when they are exposed to new situations. This is often not a serious issue and can be corrected as the puppy gets older, but it can be helpful to identify the source of the stress and try to avoid it as much as possible.

Sensitivity to Temperature and Light

Pugs are sensitive to their environments and often need to be kept in a fairly consistent temperature and light level. If you live in an area that is hot and humid, you may need to invest in special cooling mats for your pug if they are visibly uncomfortable. Pugs are also sensitive to bright light, so you will need to take extra care to keep them out of direct sunlight to avoid sunburn and other issues.


Pugs are a very unique and fascinating breed that will add a lot of joy to your life. However, they can also be challenging to own, and it is important to understand the common behavior issues that owners face so that you can work with your pug to correct them. If you are interested in bringing home a pug, make sure you do your research, talk to dog breed experts, and get prepared for the challenges that come with owning one of these cuddly, intelligent, and highly energetic creatures.